version: v.2.1.2
date: October 12, 2023
New features
- Added: Proxy support on drag & drop. Currently works with V-Ray and Corona Renderer proxies.
- Added: xRef support on drag & drop.
- Added: Error handling for the dedicated instance.
- Added: Option to choose which materials to merge.
- Added: "Create subfolder with asset's name" option when saving assets.
Bug fixes
- Fixed: Crash in the integration caused by the lack of a studios folder in Connecter.
- Fixed: Issues when using a custom folder for saving external files.
version: v.2.0.1
date: July 14, 2023
- Totally reworked UI from the ground up.
- New studios system. Completely managed in Connecter.
- New studio options for repositioning and scaling the rendered object via the new functionality of the “Render_here” object.
- New “Update asset” system. Updates an asset that was already present in Connecter.
version: v.1.6.1
date: July 7th, 2022
Modified features
- Changed the pop-up menu on drag & drop to a dialog.
Bug fixes
- Fixed: Drag & drop freezes or crashes Cinema 4D version 26.
version: v.1.5.115
date: January 20th, 2022
Modified features
- Added: Pop-up dialog with a warning if the asset can't be saved.
Bug fixes
- Fixed: MoInstances source object was lost during exporting.
- Fixed: Errors caused by a misreading of Connecter's folders.
- Fixed: "Grab from viewport" returning black previews with Corona Renderer set as default.
- Fixed: Unicode-based errors.
version: v.1.5.113
date: July 15th, 2021
Modified features
- Added: Support for Cinema 4D S24.
- Added: Better error logging for support purposes.
Bug fixes
- Fixed: Materials that are used in some kind of composite material (2-sided, mix materials, etc.) and not directly applied to an object where not exported to Connecter.
- Fixed: Error raised if you choose "Existing preview" and the preview path is in the destination folder for the asset.
- Fixed: Missing children's materials on export to Connecter.
- Fixed: Losing instances source on export.
- Fixed: Various issues with exporting instances.
version: v.1.5.102
date: March 11th, 2021
Bug fixes
- Fixed: The change of Python version in S22 and R23 introduced various unicode-related issues.
- Fixed: In some cases choosing Open after drag & drop was not working.
- Fixed: Rendering preview in studio was raising an error.
- Fixed: Various Octane-related issues.
version: v.1.5.98
date: November 20th, 2020
Bug fixes
- Fixed: When using the "default merge" option (C4d default), the asset was added to a temp DC layer.
- Fixed: Issue with stripping texture paths when not needed.
- Fixed: Issue with "Merge" not working when special characters are in the file path.
- Fixed: An error when exporting multiple objects with "split" option on.
- Fixed: Some internal changes in S22 introduced issues when saving assets to Connecter: wrong asset names, not able to save the file at all, and some other minor issues.
- Fixed: Rendering with a studio was giving errors in some cases.
Modified features
- Now assets and previews are not silently overwritten. If a file already exists, a dialog is shown, asking for a choice.
New features
- Added "move pivot to the bottom center of the asset" option. It creates a new parent null, which has a Y=0 pivot, relative to the asset's geometry and puts the asset under it.
- Added "Delete empty layers" option.
- Added "Ignore hidden objects" option. If an object or a child of an object is hidden in viewport – it will not be included when saving an asset to Connecter.
- Added "Save previews in" options:
- In the workspace's database.
- In the same folder as the asset.
- Custom folder.
- Added a checkbox "Auto-hide in Connecter". When this is checked, Connecter will not show the preview files as separate files in its browser.
- Added an option to choose the preview's format – JPG or PNG.
- Added an option to save an alpha channel when using a PNG as the preview's format.
- Added options for naming the previews:
- Same name as the asset.
- Same name as the asset's folder.
- Custom name.
- A suffix, which will be added to the preview's name.
Previous versions aren't included in this public change log.