Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is enterprise-level storage. It uses "buckets" and "objects" to store files. S3 can be used as a storage for Web Catalogs and Version Control.
The steps for giving access to Connecter for a bucket are as follows:
- Create an AWS (Amazon Web Services) user for Connecter.
- Create an Access Key for that AWS user for that Connecter can authenticate.
- Create a S3 Bucket:
- For Web Catalogs, configure the bucket to support public access to objects with ACLs (Access Control Lists) enabled.
4. Create an AWS policy with permissions to access S3 with access to only this bucket. The required permissions so that Connecter can work properly are:
- ListBucket.
- GetObject.
- GetObjectAcl.
- DeleteObject.
- PutObject.
- PutObjectAcl.
5. Assign this AWS policy to the AWS user that Connecter will use.
6. Set up a storage provider for Amazon S3 at Connecter Suite Team Portal with the Access Key, Secret Access Key, Bucket Name, and AWS region where the bucket is created.