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⭕ Personal ✔️ Suite
To modify a markup, first, make a selection:
- For Rectangle, Freehand, Polyline, and Spot markups: Click with the left mouse button over the invisible rectangular bounding box that enframes the shape.
- For Oval, Line, and Arrow markups: Click with the left mouse button over the line or arrow markup shape.
Changing the markup shape
When the markup is selected, you can modify it like so:
- For Rectangle, Oval, Freehand, and Polyline markups:
- Hover the mouse cursor along the edges or at the corners of the bounding box that enframes the shape. The cursor will change accordingly to show you the possible direction of transformation.
- Press and hold the left mouse button.
Drag the cursor while holding the left mouse button to change the shape. Use the following additional drawing modes when needed:
- Press and hold Shift while holding the left mouse button to make the shape fit within a square bounding box (e.g., equalize the width and height).
- Press Control while holding the left mouse button to transform the shape using its center as a base point.
- Press and hold both Shift and Control to have the combined behavior of the previous two points.
- Release the left mouse button.
Changing the markup shape.
- For Line and Arrow markups:
- Hover the mouse cursor at either of the two endpoints of the shape.
- Press and hold the left mouse button.
Drag the endpoint while holding down the left mouse button. Use the following additional drawing mode when needed:
- Press and hold Shift while holding the left mouse button to draw in a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal (45°) direction.
- Press Control while holding the left mouse button to transform the shape using its center as a base point.
- Press and hold both Shift and Control to have the combined behavior of the previous two points.
- Release the left mouse button to place the endpoint in the new position.
Changing the markup shape.
Moving the markup to another position
- For Rectangle, Oval, Freehand, and Polyline markups:
- Hover the mouse cursor within the bounding box that enframes the shape. The cursor will change to a "Move" state.
- Press and hold the left mouse button.
- Drag the markup while holding down the left mouse button.
- Release the left mouse button to place the markup in the new position.
- For Line, Arrow, and Spot markups:
- Hover the mouse cursor over the line or arrow markup shape.
- Press and hold the left mouse button.
- Drag the markup while holding down the left mouse button.
- Release the left mouse button to place the markup in the new position.
Moving markups.
Changing markup color properties
To change the properties of the selected markup, click the properties icon in the Markups Widget and then:
To change the Fill or Stroke colors:
- Click the color picker and use the interface to choose another color.
- Use the Opacity slider to change the transparency.
- Use the HEX color field to type in a HEX color if needed.
- To change the Stroke width, click on the width spinner arrows or type in a value between one and ten.
Changing markup properties.
Other markup actions
- Undo: Use the standard Control and Z keyboard shortcut to undo markup changes.
- Delete: To delete a selected markup, press the Delete keyboard key.