Feature availability 🛈
⭕ Personal ✔️ Suite
By default, comments are sorted by "Latest activity, " which puts comments with new replies or status changes on top of the list. The other sorting option is "Latest comments," which puts the most recent comments on top.
To change the sorting option:
- Click the sorting icon on the right in the “Comments” header.
- Choose a sorting option from the dropdown.
TIP: The arrow before the option name shows if the last comment or activity is on top of the list (the arrow pointing upwards) or on the bottom (the arrow pointing downwards).
Sorting grouping
In addition to the sorting options, comments can be grouped by Status or Commenter. You can use it to, for example, browse more conveniently all comments left by a team member.
To use the sorting grouping:
- Click the sorting icon on the right in the “Comments” header.
- Choose a grouping option from the dropdown.
TIP: Use the grouping in combination with the sorting options for even more ways to sort comments.
Comment sorting.