Additional Operations

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Adding multiple assets simultaneously

With the Integration, a workflow for adding multiple assets simultaneously is available. To use it:

  1. Select multiple 3D-scene (*.max) or multiple material-library (*.mat) assets in Connecter.
    NOTE: This workflow wonā€™t work if you have mixed selections of *.max and *.mat assets.
  2. Drag and drop the assets in 3ds Max and choose the desired option.
  3. Complete the process depending on the chosen workflow. 

NOTE: Some workflows and options are unavailable when using the ā€œadd multiple assetsā€ workflow.

Using ā€œOpen Fileā€

When merging assets from Connecter, the standard ā€œOpen Fileā€ option is also available through the integration. To open an asset, drag it from Connecter and choose the ā€œOpen Fileā€ option in the Integration's contextual menu.

Using ā€œMerge with Max Dialogā€

When merging assets from Connecter, you can also use the native 3ds Max merge functionality. To do so:

  1. Drag an asset from Connecter and choose the ā€œMerge with Max Dialogueā€ option in the Integration's contextual menu.
  2. Choose what to merge from the standard 3ds Max ā€œMergeā€ interface that appears. Click the OK button.

NOTE: When you drag and drop assets from Windows File Explorer in your scene, 3ds Max directly merges all asset content. Only the ā€œMerge with Max Dialogā€ is available when you add assets from Connecter using the Integration. Use the ā€œMerging assets without the Integrationā€ workflow described below to have the same behavior as merging from Windows File Explorer.


Merging assets without the "merge options" contextual menu

When you know you will use the ā€œMerge and placeā€ workflow, you can streamline the merging process by skipping the ā€œmerge optionsā€ contextual menu. This way, you get the asset merged immediately without needing to specifically choose the ā€œMerge and placeā€ option from the contextual menu, which normally appears when you drop the asset in the viewport. To use this faster merging method:

  1. In Connecter, press and hold the Ctrl keyboard button.
  2. Drag and drop the asset in your 3ds Max scene. The Integration will skip the merge the ā€œmerge optionsā€ contextual menu and directly merge the asset into the scene.
  3. Continue with the merging interaction as normal to place the asset into the scene.


Merging assets without the Integration

Sometimes, you can skip the Integration's workflows and use the standard workflows 3ds Max offers when you drag and drop assets from outside. To do so:

  1. In Connecter, press and hold the Alt keyboard button.
  2. Drag and drop the asset in your 3ds Max scene. As the Integration wonā€™t be triggered in this case, youā€™ll get the standard ā€œOpenā€, ā€œMerge,ā€ and ā€œXRefā€ 3ds Max options.


Interacting with the scene while merging assets

When merging assets from Connecter, you can interactively explore the scene while placing the asset or replacing existing scene assets. Use the standard viewport navigation interactions with the mouse to zoom in and out, pan and orbit in the viewport. To use this functionality:

  1. Drag from Connecter and merge the asset by choosing one of the merging options;
  2. Use the standard viewport navigation interactions: 
    • Press and hold the Alt keyboard button and the mouse scroll button, and then move the mouse to orbit the view;
    • Press and hold the mouse scroll button and then move the mouse to pan the view;
    • Use the scroll button to zoom in or out;
  3. Complete the merging process depending on the workflow youā€™re using. 

NOTE: While still in placing mode, clicking on any UI element outside the viewport in 3ds Max will cancel the operation.   

Canceling the merge process

After dragging an asset from Connecter into 3ds Max, you can cancel the merging process at any stage before or after choosing a merge option by pressing the Escape keyboard button or the right mouse button.  

Undoing merge operations

You can undo all merge, place, and replace operations with the standard Ctrl+Z interaction.