Adding Assets to Connecter

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With this main workflow, users can add new assets to the library in Connecter from a selection of objects or materials in the currently opened 3D scene. This process saves new *.max or *.mat files containing the selected objects or materials in a destination folder, which is normally already added to Connecter. Some of the benefits compared to the standard “Save as” or “Save selected” commands are: 

  • Automatically generates custom previews, which are then automatically linked to the asset in Connecter.
  • Automatically positions the asset in the center of the coordinate system, runs garbage collector, and other cleaning and organizing features.
  • Automatically manage external files - search and relink missing files, collect files in specific folders, and others.
  • Automatically add multiple separate assets from multi-selections.
  • Adding tags and description metadata.

How to start?

To add assets from 3ds Max to Connecter, select the “Add asset(s) to Connecter” option in the viewport quad menu.

quad menu_add.png

This will open an Integration’s contextual menu offering several workflows for adding assets. 


  • Add the scene as a 3d asset: Ignores any object selections and adds the current scene as an asset. In terms of asset content, it’s equivalent to 3ds Max’s “Save as” command.
    NOTE: The “Add as Multiple assets” workflow is unavailable when adding the whole scene.  
  • Add new 3d asset from Selection: Takes the current object selection in the scene to add as an asset. 
  • Add selected material Editor slot: Takes the selected material in the (compact) Material Editor to add as an asset. This workflow produces material library assets (*.mat). 
  • Add all materials from Editor: Takes all materials in the (compact) Material Editor to add as an asset. This workflow produces material library assets (*.mat). 
  • Add materials from Selection: Takes all materials from the current object selection to add as an asset. This workflow produces material library assets (*.mat). 
  • Add materials from Scene: Takes all materials from the current scene to add as an asset. This workflow produces material library assets (*.mat). 
  • Update asset options: Click this contextual command to open the “Update assets” contextual menu. Refer to the “Updating Assets” section for more details.

When your current scene in Max is empty, the Integration contextual menu will show only a few available options:


To add a new 3D asset to Connecter:

  1. Select one or multiple scene objects and choose the “Add asset(s) to Connecter” from the viewport’s right-click contextual menu.
    NOTE: You don’t need to select any scene objects when you want to add the whole scene as an asset to Connecter. 
  2. Choose the “Add new 3D asset from Selection” option from the Integration’s contextual menu or choose “Add the “Add the scene as a 3D asset” option if you want to add the whole scene as an asset to Connecter.  
  3. Choose the desired options in the “Connecter | Add Asset(s)” dialog that appears and click the Add button.
  4. The Integration will save one or multiple new *.max assets in the destination folder in Connecter, along with additional metadata like tags, descriptions, and custom previews you added. 

Hold and Fetch mechanism

When you add assets to Connecter from your 3ds Max scene, the Integration performs various operations on the fly, like generating previews, isolating the selected objects, etc. To ensure that after adding the asset, your scene is back to the state right before the operation, the Integration uses Max’s “Hold and Fetch” mechanism to hold the scene state and then roll back to it once it completes the operations. 

IMPORTANT: While this guarantees you don’t lose any changes in your scenes, this technique may take considerable time for larger scenes. Currently, there’s no way to circumvent this behavior.

NOTE: The “Hold and Fetch” mechanism cannot restore any object selections and undo commands available before the hold operation. 

Working with the “Connecter | Add Asset(s)” interface

The “Connecter | Add Asset(s)” dialogue supports the adding-new-assets workflow with many useful options. Its interface comes in two modes: “Compact” (the default) for the most streamlined workflow and “Advanced,” offering additional functionality for more customized use cases. To switch from Compact to Advanced mode and back, click the Advanced toggle button at the top right.

“Connecter | Add Asset(s)” UI in compact mode:


“Connecter | Add Asset(s)” UI in advanced mode:


The following flow describes, in short, how you use the “Connecter | Add Asset(s)” dialogue to add assets to Connecter (Refer to the next section for detailed descriptions):

  1. Asset name: Type in the name of the asset.
  2. Metadata (optional): Add tags and description to the asset.
  3. Save in: Choose the folder where the Integration will create the asset.
  4. Preview type: Choose what preview type you want the Integration to add to the asset.
  5. Click the Add button.

Asset name

When adding a new asset, you must type in a name - this will be the asset’s filename. 

IMPORTANT: Remember that object and material names stay like they are in the scene you’re adding them from. Ensure you name all elements according to your naming conventions before adding them as new assets to your library in Connecter.

When adding new assets from a selection of multiple objects, an additional workflow for adding separate new assets from each object is available. In this case, you can use the additional naming options to define the assets’ names. Refer to “Adding multiple assets from selections” section for more details.

Handling duplicate names

When you add new assets, it may be the case when a new asset name is the same as an asset already existing in the same destination folder. When this happens, the Integration automatically applies the naming rules in Connecter settings to name the assets and avoid duplicate name conflicts.

These naming rules are also used when multiple assets with the same name get created and must be numbered. Refer to the “Connecter | Global Settings” section for more details.


When adding assets to Connecter, you can also add tags and descriptions so the assets get added to your library catalog with some meaningful metadata. This, however, is optional as you can add tags, descriptions, and other metadata at any time later from within the Connecter app. 

Adding tags  

To add tags to the asset you’re adding to Connecter:

  1. Click the Tags button.
  2. The Integration will pull from Connecter all available tags and list them in a “Tags” browser that will appear on the right.
  3. Select one or more tags. The selected tags get listed in a row below the Tags button.
    • To remove a tag, deselect it in the Tags browser or click the button with the tag name;
    • To remove all added tags, click the “x” button on the far right of the tags row.

Adding description 

To add a description to the asset you’re adding to Connecter:

  1. Click the Description button.
  2. Type in a description.

NOTE: By default, the Integration auto-fills in a description based on the object name if a single object is selected or a “Selection Objects: 2” pattern if multiple objects are selected. The Integration will add any description added (by the user or the auto-suggested) even when the Description button is not selected and the description field is hidden. 

Save in

When adding a new asset, you must specify a destination folder where the Integration will add the asset. To choose a destination folder:

  1. Click the “...” button at the right of the folder path field.
  2. The Integration will pull all folders already added to Connecter and list them in a “Save in” browser that will appear on the right.
  3. Browse and select a folder from the folder tree. The selected folder’s full path will appear in the folder path field.
    • Click the “Browse For Folder…” button to choose the destination folder that has not yet been added to Connecter. Once the asset gets added in Connecter, the following dialogue appears asking to add the folder to Connecter.


    • Click the “Create subfolder with the asset’s name” button if you want the Integration to create a new folder within the selected folder named after the asset name. Use this option when adding multiple assets in separate folders in a parent folder.    

NOTE: The last used destination folder gets automatically selected the next time the “Connecter | Add Asset(s)” interface opens. 

Recently used destination folders

You can select a recently used destination folder by clicking the arrow at the right end of the folder path field and then choosing a folder from the dropdown list that appears.  

Preview type

A central part of the add asset workflow is the ability to add custom previews to your assets. A custom asset preview is a separate image file linked to the asset and shown as an asset preview thumbnail in Connecter’s asset viewport and as a full-size preview when browsing the asset’s preview gallery. Multiple options exist to generate or add existing custom previews to an asset. 

Grab From Viewport 

When this option (default) is selected, the Integration will generate previews by grabbing screenshots directly from the Max viewport. 

Generate preview options

Additional preview generation options are available in the “Generating previews” section in the “Asset Options” interface, accessible by clicking the settings button at the top right of the “Connecter | Add Asset(s)” main interface.  

“Zoom extents”   

With the “Zoom extents” options selected by default, the Integration isolates the selected scene objects and sets the view so that the selection best fits in it to generate a preview showing only the selection since, in most cases, you wouldn’t like to have in the asset preview the rest of the scene content irrelevant to it. Uncheck the option if you want the asset preview to show what you see from the whole scene when adding the asset.  

You can control how much free space (margin) to have around the objects in the preview when using the “Zoom extents” option. To set the margins: 

  1. Select the “Zoom extents” option.
  2. Click the settings button next to the “Zoom extents” option.
  3. Type in the desired margins (5% by default) as percentages of the length and height of the preview.     
  4. Click the Save button to apply the changes.

Using custom perspective views

In addition to the “Zoom extents” option, you can define a custom perspective view for generating the previews. 


To set a custom perspective view: 

  1. Select the “Zoom extents” option.
  2. Click the settings button next to the “Zoom extents” option.
  3. Click the “Use custom perspective view” checkbox.
  4. Type in the desired values:
    • Film gate (0 to 999mm): Specifies the horizontal size of the film gate in millimeters. 
    • Focal length (0 to 99mm): Specifies the equivalent focal length of the camera lens. 
    • Horizontal angle (0 to 360°): This sets the camera position along the imaginary line that circles the object selection at the world XY coordinate plane. Value “0” positions the camera at the Y axes (negative numbers). Values bigger than “0” move the camera around the object selection counter-clockwise.    
    • Vertical angle (-90 to 90°): This sets the camera position along the world Z axis. Value “0” positions the camera at the 0 of the Z axis. Values bigger than “0” move the camera higher (above the world XY coordinate plane); negative numbers move it lower (below the world  XY coordinate plane). 
  5. Click the Save button to apply the changes.

Current Render Settings

When this option is selected, the previews are generated using the current scene render settings, including active render engine, render output size, etc. Refer to the “Render Preset” section below to learn how to use predefined render settings with presets. 

Preview Studio

“Preview Studio” is a powerful option to generate previews using dedicated “preview” scenes. You can use ready-to-use preview studio scenes available for download in Connecter or add your own custom scenes. When such a preview studio is selected, the Integration opens the related 3D scene and then merges the objects you add to Connecter to generate a preview. The preview scene is then closed, and the Integration opens back your work scene's current state saved right before opening the studio scene. To generate a preview using Preview Studio:

  1. Select the “Preview Studio” preview type option.
  2. The Integration will pull all preview studios set up in the Connecter app and list them in the “Select a preview studio” interface. Select a preview studio from the list. If you have many studios in the list using different render engines, use the filtering by the renderer to narrow down the list by showing the studios relating to a particular renderer. 

NOTE: If you haven’t yet set up a preview studio in Connecter, you’ll get instructions on how to proceed. See below for more information about adding preview studios.

Using readily-available preview studios 

Connecter offers ready-to-use preview studios you can download and use for generating previews. Refer to the Adding preview studios in the Connecter Guide for more details. 

Using your custom preview studios

The Integration can use custom preview studios you add in Connecter. Refer to the Setting up Your Custom Studio Scenes guide for more details.

  1. Click the Add button to add the asset to Connecter or the “Generate preview” button in the “Preview Gallery” section. 

Generating custom previews in Connecter

You can generate previews of Max 3D scenes and materials when adding assets from 3ds Max to Connecter and directly in the Connecter app. Refer to the “Generate Custom Previews” guide for further details.  

Existing Preview

This option allows you to add one or more images as custom previews to the asset you’re adding to Connecter. To add an image file as a custom preview:

  1. Choose the “Existing Preview” as a preview type.
  2. Select an image file in the File Browser that opens.

NOTE: To view thumbnails of the previews you add, switch the “Connecter | Add Asset(s)” interface to Advanced mode and click the “Preview Gallery” toggle button in the “Asset previews” section. This will open an additional interface showing thumbnails of the added previews. There, you can click the “Add existing preview” button to add more previews to the asset gallery.


NOTE: Currently, it’s only possible to add existing custom previews one by one. It’s also impossible to rearrange or remove already added previews. This functionality will be updated asap to offer more convenient workflows. 

Render Preset

This option allows you to select a “render preset” you saved when generating previews for the assets you add to your library. You can have as many presets as you need to fit with your pipeline (e.g., renderer, asset type, presentation style, etc.). To use a render preset:

  1. Select the “Render Preset” preview type option.
  2. Browse and select a render preset (*.rps) file.
  3. Click the Add button to add the asset to Connecter or the “Generate preview” button in the “Preview Gallery” section.

IMPORTANT: Make sure to verify your presets by making some test renders before using them to generate previews. If the generated previews don’t look as expected, just load the preset in the Render Setup and make a render from the same view to compare the output before writing us for help.    

Editors Thumbnail

An additional “Editors Thumbnail” option is available when adding material assets. If selected, the Integration will add the preview thumbnails from the Material Editor as custom previews for the assets in Connecter. 

NOTE: The size of these preview thumbnails is technically limited to only 90x90px.

preview_type.png   editor_thumb.png

No Preview

Use this option when you don’t have the Integration to generate previews for the asset you’re adding. This option is also applicable when you are done adding all asset previews through the Preview Gallery(read the next section for further details).

Preview Gallery


You can use existing previews and generate new previews before the asset is added through the “Preview gallery” section to add a complete multi-previews gallery to an asset. This can be very useful in different use cases like:

  • You want to combine different preview types for the same asset (e.g., Grab from viewport, Preview Studio, etc.). If you don’t use the Preview Gallery functionality, you can only add previews from one type when adding assets to Connecter, as you can not select multiple preview types. The Integration takes your current Preview type selection to generate the previews;    
  • You want to combine already existing image files (e.g., previews, references, etc.) with generate previews;
  • You want to test different preview types, render settings, preview studios, etc., before proceeding with adding the asset to Connecter;
  • You want to compare previews generated using different render settings or preview studios to choose which ones work best for the asset you’re adding;
  • For example, you want to keep only the best views from all previews generated using a preview studio’s multiple cameras.

IMPORTANT: When you use the Preview Gallery to add existing or generate previews when you click the Add button to start the adding process, the Integration also checks your Preview type selection. If it’s not “No Preview,” it will generate and add previews to the ones you added in the Preview Gallery.

Using the Preview Gallery

To use the Preview Gallery to add existing or generate new previews:

  1. Click the Advanced button at the top right of the “Connecter | Add Asset(s)” interface.
  2. Click the “Preview Gallery” button at the right of the “Asset previews” section.
  3. Choose a preview type (e.g., Grab From Viewport, Preview Studio, etc.) and click the “Generate preview” button. All successfully generated previews will appear in the Preview Gallery below. To add an existing image file as a preview, click the “Add existing preview” button to browse and select an image. You can add multiple existing previews. 

NOTE: Currently, it’s only possible to add existing custom previews one by one. It’s also impossible to rearrange or remove already added previews. This functionality will be updated asap to offer more convenient workflows. 

External Files

When adding assets, there are various options to manage their external files. The Integration will check if external files link to the objects and materials you add as assets to Connecter.

It'll offer you options on handling them so that you don’t end up with an asset linking to missing or scattered all-over-the-place external files. The Integration will use the rules set in the ”Auto-find External Files” settings when external files are missing. Refer to the “Manage External Files workflows” section for more details.   

There are three use cases related to the external files when adding or updating assets:

  • No external files: If no external files are linking to the scene or the objects you add as an asset, “0 external file” info text appears, and the “Manage External Files” button is disabled.


  • External files are linking to the asset: If external files are linking to the scene or the objects you add as an asset, info text showing the number of external files appears, and the “Manage External Files” button is enabled:


  • External files are missing: If there are any missing external files, an additional warning text in red showing the number of missing files appears:


When you click the Add button, a warning that there are missing external files appear:


When the “Connecter | Add Asset(s)” interface is in advance mode, and external files are linking to the asset you’re adding, additional options for managing the external files are available.



Copy external files

You can use this functionality to copy all external files linking to the asset in a specific folder.


  • Don’t copy (selected by default): The external files are not copied to another folder.  
  • Copy in: {asset’s folder}: The external files get copied into the same folder where the asset is added.
  • Copy in folder: The external files get copied in a specific folder. To add a folder:
  1. Choose the “Copy in folder” option from the “Copy external files” dropdown.
  2. Click the browse “...” button.
  3. Browse and select a folder from the Files Explorer.

The “Copy in: {asset’s folder}” and “Copy in folder:” options have additional customization options:


  • Create subfolder: Select this option if you want the external files copied into a subfolder of the folder specified above.
    • Prefix (“maps” value added by default): Type in text to add as a prefix at the beginning of the subfolder name. If the “Filename” and “Asset name” options are unselected and the “Suffix” field is blank, the text added to the prefix will be the folder name. 
    • Filename: The subfolder gets named as the current opened scene’s name.
    • Asset name: The subfolder gets the same name as the asset.
    • Suffix: Type in text to add a suffix at the end of the subfolder name. If the “Filename” and “Asset name” options are unselected and the “Prefix” field is blank, the text added to the suffix will be the folder name.

Nested folder: When this option is selected, the external files get copied to a subfolder of the folder you specify with the “Copy in” options. This subfolder takes the asset name.
IMPORTANT: The “Nested folder” is an experimental workflow. Use with caution! 

Manage external file paths

In this section, you choose how the Integration manages the external file paths of the assets you add to Connecter.


  • Relink the external files paths to the “Found-in” location: This option is available when the “Copy in: {asset’s folder} folder:” option is selected from the “Copy external files” dropdown. The Integration will gather all external files (present and missing in their original path but found elsewhere) and copy them to the 
  • Relink the external files paths to the “Copy-in” location: This option is available when the “Copy in folder:” option is selected from the “Copy external files” dropdown.  The Integration will gather all external files (present and missing in their original path but found elsewhere) and copy them to the “Copy in” location, whether in the asset folder or another folder. Finally, all external files will be relinked to the “Copy in” location.
  • Strip all paths: This option will strip all external file paths. You can use this workflow if you don’t want to have any specific paths saved with the asset and rely on the automatic search and discovery of external files when they are in the asset folder or subfolders.    
  • Don’t update (Do nothing) (selected by default): This option will keep the external file paths in the scene from which you add the assets. Use caution as this may add your assets with unresolved missing external files and other related issues.

All previews generated or added for an asset are then handled by the Connecter app and linked to the asset to appear as previews when browsed in Connecter.


For both Add and Update workflows, you can save and use presets:



There are some additional options available when adding assets to Connecter. Click the Settings button at the top right of the “Connecter | Add Asset(s)” interface to open the “Asset Options” dialogue.

Asset options

The options in this section help clean up any objects’ transformations and scene elements you don’t want to save with the asset you’re adding to your library

IMPORTANT: It’s always recommended to carefully check the objects and materials you’re adding to Connecter and verify that everything is set according to your requirements. Use these options cautiously and don’t rely entirely on them to automatically handle all your assets in any situation and use case. 



  • Position: Clears any position transformation applied to the objects you’re adding. This brings objects to the center of the coordinate system, meaning their pivot points are at the 0, 0, 0 point.
  • Rotation: Clears any rotation transformation applied to the objects you’re adding. This realigns the objects’ pivot points to world X, Y, and Z axes.
  • Scale: Clears any scale transformation applied to the objects you’re adding. 
  • Material Editor (selected by default): Clears any materials added to the Material Editor. When this option is not selected, materials in the Material Editor slots also get saved with the asset you’re adding. 
  • Slate Material Editor (selected by default): Clears any materials added to the Slate Material Editor. When this option is not selected, materials in the Slate Material Editor slots also get saved with the asset you’re adding.
  • Environment Map (selected by default): Clears the environment map if present in the scene you’re adding assets from. 


  • Move pivot to the bottom center of the Asset: Positions the object pivot point at the button of its bounding box, meaning the lowest point along the world Z axis. This option is useful for many assets you’d usually want to place in your scenes “above” the world coordinate system or another object. This, however, won’t work for assets “hanging” from another object, like a chandelier on a ceiling.   
  • Apply Reset Xform and convert to Edit Poly: Applies a “Reset Xform” modifier on the objects and then converts them into editable poly objects. This is one way to reset any transformations, modifiers, and other features you don’t want to save with the asset.
    IMPORTANT: Use this option cautiously as you may lose features you want to save with the assets, including rigs, splines, etc. 
  • Add Asset to default layer: 0(default): Moves all objects to the default layer.
  • Delete empty layers: When this option is selected, any empty layers in the current scene won’t get saved with the asset you’re adding.
  • Ignore hidden objects: When this option is selected, any hidden objects won’t get saved with the asset you’re adding.  

Generating previews

This section offers additional functionality related to the generation of asset previews.  

  • Zoom extents (selected by default): When this option is selected, the Integration will apply the 3ds Max “zoom extents” command on the viewport so that the selected objects that are added as assets fit well into the view. 
  • Isolate asset (before generating preview) (selected by default): When this option is selected, the Integration first isolates the objects you’re adding (meaning all other scene objects are not visible) before executing the other adding-asset processes. This is useful when you generate previews with the “Grab form viewport”, “Current render settings,” or “Render preset” options, as it will ensure only the objects you’re adding are included in the preview.   
  • Custom size (pixel): You can set a custom size in pixels for the previews the Integration generates for the assets. This option will override the output size values in the Render Setup interface.
    NOTE: Keep in mind that the Integration uses the output size setting not from the current scene you’re adding assets from but from the preset file (with the “Render Preset” preview type) or from the studio scene file (with the “Preview  Studio” preview type) when either preview type option is selected.   
  • Background: Overrides the background color setting in Environment and Effects > Environment tab > Common Parameters > Background. 
  • Use 3ds Max default frame buffer: When this option is selected, the Integration will use Max’s default frame buffer to generate asset previews. 

Asset previews

This section’s options control how the preview files are handled after they are generated. 

  • Auto-hide in Connecter (selected by default): This option tells Connecter to auto-hide the preview files in the Asset view in Connecter. Since preview files get linked to the actual asset they visualize and are visible through the asset item in the Asset view, you’d normally want to have the preview image files not messing with the other assets when browsing your library.
    NOTE: You can always use the “Show hidden assets” option in Connecter to see the image files used as custom previews for the assets. Additionally, you can change their state from hidden to visible if you want to see them even when the “Show hidden assets” option is not selected.
  • Save Previews in: When custom previews get generated for an asset you add to Connecter, the Integration saves the preview image files in a location according to this setting:
    • Asset’s folder (selected by default): The preview image files are saved in the same folder where the asset is added. 
    • Custom folder: You can set a folder to host all preview image files for all assets you add to Connecter. To add a folder:
      1. Select the “Custom folder” option in the “Save Previews in” dropdown.
      2. Click the browse “...” button at the right of the folder path field that appears below.
      3. Browse and select a folder in the File Browser that opens. 
  • Connecter Database: If you use Connecter with a Personal Workspace, you can use this option to store the preview image files in Connecter’s database rather than as files on the file system. This workflow removes the need to think about where preview files are stored and ensures that assets’ custom previews are always available, as you can’t accidentally delete or move to another folder.
    NOTE: This option is not available for Connecter Suite Workspaces since storing and consuming assets’ previews from the cloud where Connecter Suite Workspaces’ databases are hosted is not feasible performance and cost-wise.

Read more about the different Workspace types in Connecter here.     

  • Save Previews as: The Integration can save preview image files in JPG (default) or PNG file format.  
  • Compression: Adds compression to the image files from 0 to 99 %, where 0 is no compression, and 99 is maximum compression. The default value is 10. 
  • Alpha: If the PNG format is used, you can select this option to add an alpha to the image file to make the background around the objects transparent. 

Custom scripts

The Integration allows you to customize the workflow by executing scripts before the add asset operation starts or before the Integration finally adds the asset to Connecter. Although it’s a powerful way to integrate even more specific features not available with the Integration, an experienced pipeline engineer should implement and deploy your custom solution. 

IMPORTANT: We don’t provide support on issues related to using external scripts with the Integration. 

Executing external script before the add asset operation starts 

If this option is selected, when you click the Add button in the “Connecter | Add Asset(s)” interface to add the asset, the Integration will execute the external script you pointed to, and after it’s done, start the add asset operation. To add an external script:  

  1. Select the “Run custom script before processing asset” option.
  2. Click the browse “...” button next to the file path field.
  3. Browse and select a Max script file.

Executing external script before saving the asset to the library

If this option is selected, when you click the Add button in the “Connecter | Add Asset(s)” interface to add the asset, the Integration will first execute all add asset operations and, after it’s done, execute the external script you pointed to. To add an external script:  

  1. Select the “Run custom script before processing asset” option.
  2. Click the browse “...” button next to the file path field.
  3. Browse and select a Max script file.

Adding Materials to Connecter

Due to their specifics, there’s a separate workflow for adding material assets to your library in Connecter. 

Adding multiple assets from selections

The Integration allows you to conveniently add multiple assets at once from an object or material selection in the scene. If there are multiple objects or materials in the selection you’re adding to Connecter, the “Add as Multiple assets” button at the top left of the “Connecter | Add Asset(s)” interface becomes active. Clicking the button adds additional options to the “Asset name” section. There you can set the desired naming pattern for the multiple assets that are going to be created:

  • Prefix: Adds a prefix at the beginning of the asset name.
  • Filename: Assets take the current scene name.
  • Object name: Each asset takes the name of the respective object or material it gets created from.
  • Suffix: Adds a suffix at the end of the asset name.


Except for the naming pattern, the rest of the process of adding multiple assets is the same as when you add a single asset.


The following video demonstrates in short the “Add multiple assets” workflow. Note that it hasn’t been updated to feature the current state of the Integration and certain functionality may be missing or looking differently: