Connecter enhances Photoshop workflows by improving the organization and retrieval of PSD, TGA, and other 2d asset formats, like PNG and TIFF. Its additional benefits include the following.
- Adding and previewing assets: Connecter supports various image formats, allowing you to preview and organize assets using tags, custom properties, and descriptions. It also supports asset transparency, so you’ll also be able to preview cutout objects in PNGs in Lightbox by pressing the Spacebar.
- Thumbnails and previews: Unlike Windows Explorer, Connecter provides thumbnails and previews for PSD and TGA assets, making it easier to browse. Custom previews can also be assigned for better asset visibility.
Metadata browsing: In the Previews Panel in Connecter, you can see a lot of data about the asset, such as IPTC and EXIF metadata:
- Resolution Info.
- The Keywords you assign in Photoshop.
- Copyright information.
- Color profiles and much more.
Tags from Keywords: You can also use Connecter’s tool to turn the keywords you assigned in Photoshop into tags for better organization.
- Importing assets into Photoshop: You can drag and drop assets from Connecter directly into Photoshop, streamlining the workflow and making asset retrieval more efficient. Assets created in Photoshop can be saved into a folder added to Connecter for easy access.
Additional functionalities
With these advanced image functionalities, you can speed up the mundane tasks of your workflow:
- Tile Images: This feature allows you to check if an image tiles correctly without opening Photoshop, saving time when checking if a texture would work well on a 3d model, for example.
- Compare Images: You can compare up to four images side by side, with options to Overlay or highlight differences, facilitating quick and efficient image comparisons.
- Local Pre-caching: As PSD and TGA assets can be quite heavy, using this feature can significantly reduce loading times.
- Shared Content Metadata: You can use the Shared Content Metadata feature to pre-process your library and use some of the valuable metadata outlined above to filter your assets.