Wasabi S3 Storage Setup

  • Updated


Wasabi S3 (Simple Storage Service) is enterprise-level storage that uses "buckets" and "objects" to store files. It supports all Power-user features, except Web Catalogs.


Here are the steps for giving access to Connecter for a Bucket:

  1. First, you need to create a Bucket.

  1. Then, create a Policy. You can copy and paste this policy and modify the name of the Bucket in the “Resources” section and the “Sid”:


    "Version": "2012-10-17",

    "Statement": [


       "Sid": "AllowAccessToBucketConnecterStorage",

        "Effect": "Allow",

        "Action": [








     "Resource": [








  1. Create a User for Connecter and assign the policy that you created on step three “Policies.”

  1. You’ll need to create User Access Keys for this user. When you create the key, a dialog showing you the key with two options – Download CSV and Copy Keys To Clipboard – will appear. Select the option that is convenient for you. You’ll need those keys later when you set up the storage in Connecter’s Team Portal.

  1. Set up a storage provider for Wasabi at Connecter Suite Team Portal with the Access Key, Secret Access Key, Bucket Name, and the Wasabi region where the Bucket is created.