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The Tags in Connecter are virtual categories to which you create and assign your assets. The great advantage of tags over folders is that a single asset can be assigned to as many different tags as you want.

At the same time, it can be physically located in just one folder (unless you make copies of the same file in different folders, which only adds clutter to your library). So, for example, you can have an asset assigned to "plants" and "real-time" tags simultaneously.

Connecter's tags follow a few basic concepts

  • The tags are hierarchical, with parent tags and subtags on multi-levels.
  • Multiple tags can have the same name (even in the same hierarchy level).
  • An asset tagged with a subtag of a tag doesn't associate directly with the parent tag (meaning that to see the assets tagged with subtags, the user needs to use the "Show files in subtags" option).
  • The same asset can be tagged on only one level of the tags hierarchy of a particular tags tree structure. Meaning an asset can't be tagged with a subtag and with its parent simultaneously.
  • Selecting a tag in the Tags tab always shows all assets in all folders tagged with this tag. In a way, this is filtering the whole cataloged assets library using tags (as opposed to filtering the current assets view by tags).
  • The secondary tags filtering always filter the current assets view by tags.
  • Tags are searchable.

Parent tags and subtags

Connecter allows you to structure your tags in hierarchies to organize assets better. Let's say you have all your 3d models of vehicles assigned to the "vehicles" tag, but you only want to find 3d models of trucks quickly. In that scenario, you can create a "trucks" subtag under the "vehicles" tag (the parent tag). For more sophisticated tagging, use as many tag levels as you want.

Parent tags

All parent tags will be shown in the Tags tab with a little disclosure triangle on the side to indicate that it contains one or more subtags.


Working with Breadcrumbs

The tags in Connecter have a breadcrumb UI, similar to the folders, that helps you perform certain actions efficiently. In the video below, you can explore its benefits:

How to Use Breadcrumbs for Tags?

Sorting tags 

The default ordering of the tags in the Tags tab is "by name". In Connecter, you can custom order the tags and use the "by order" sorting option to display the custom arrangement.

Customizing the order of the tags

To set a custom order of the tags:

  1. Choose the "Order" sorting option.
  2. Select and drag a tag and drop it in the desired position.


NOTE: The custom tags ordering isn't shared across the team for Suite Workspaces. Each Connecter instance saves and manages the custom tags order the individual user sets locally.

Shared Tags Ordering

Read more about the Shared tags ordering feature.

Same name tags

In Connecter, you can have multiple tags with the same name. If you create a new tag with the same name as an existing one, a notification will appear asking you to confirm if you'd like to create a tag with a duplicate name.

Tags - same name tags.png

Operations with tags

Creating a root tag

A root tag is on the highest level of the tags hierarchy. To create a root tag:

  1. Make sure there're no tags selected.
  2. Click on the "Create" tag icon.
  3. Type in the tag name and press Enter.

Creating a subtag

To create a subtag:

  1. Select a tag (root or a subtag) and click on the "Create" tag icon.


  1. Hover or select a tag and choose the "Create New Subtag" command from the right-click contextual menu.
  2. Type in a tag name and press Enter or click elsewhere.

Renaming a tag

To rename a tag:

  1. Select a tag.
  2. Choose the Rename option in the right-click contextual menu.
  3. Type in the new name and press Enter.

Deleting a tag

To delete a tag:

  1. Select one or more tags.
  2. Choose the Delete option in the right-click contextual menu or press the Delete keyboard key.
  3. Confirm by clicking the Delete button in the dialog box.

Rearranging tags hierarchy

You can rearrange the tags hierarchy by moving them from one place to another. Select one or multiple tags and use the drag & drop interaction to move the tags to a new position in the tags structure. Select one or more subtags and drag them over the top or bottom of the tags list to make them root tags.

Tagging assets

Assets in Connecter can be tagged by using three workflows:

  • By dragging assets from the Assets view into the Tags tab:

TIP: Hover the mouse cursor over a tag for a second to expand and see/use its subtags.

  • By using the checkbox before each tag. To tag assets using this workflow:

1. Enable the Tags tab's interactive mode.

2. Select one or multiple assets.

3. Select the checkbox before each tag you want to add the assets selection to. Deselect the checkbox of a tag if you want to remove the assets from it.

NOTE: When some but not all assets within the current selection are tagged with a particular tag, the checkbox state changes to mixed selection. Click on the checkbox to add the whole selection to the tag and click again to remove it.

  • By using the Edit tags command in the Assets view's contextual menu (use the Ctrl+T shortcut).

Tagging with a new tag

Tagging and untagging

Copy, Paste, and Replace Tags

To assign the same tags to two or more assets, start by selecting an asset that has the tags you want to use and choosing the “Copy Tags” option from its context menu. Next, go to the untagged asset, right-click, and select “Paste Tags” to add the copied tags. 

This process can be used on a multiselection of untagged or already tagged assets simultaneously by selecting them all before pasting the tags. Keep in mind that if you paste tags to a tagged asset, they will be added to the existing tags.

Copy and Replace Tags_02_for gif.gif

The “Replace Tags” option allows you to overwrite the existing tags on an asset with those copied from another asset. This feature also works on a multiselection of assets.